Greetings all sacred beings! 

Now here this, it is our time to shine, shine, shine! From our hearts we do shine, it's our task to outshine the sun! Shouldn't be too hard today as we only got up to 50˚ today! Nonetheless, there are moments where my own shining seems to be below 50˚, especially this past weekend. Oh no reason really. Just my brain getting in my way, this ever happen to you???

Hec, I get tired of that! Restless too! Oh is the life of escapism really worth it? Seems in my midst of personal ugh, it is tempting, but I stay away (sometimes) and focus on the tasks at hand. 

I can hardly believe this month of March! At the end of the month I am to be moving in with my boyfriend, ca-razy! Back to the big city of Boise! That in itself will afford me with more cultural entertainment. Whoa, the boyfriend! yup, a new venture and as he says "at our age we can't afford to procrastinate!" Can't believe I finally met a man who is a raw foodie and wants to have kids! Wow! Thanks love!

The raw food workshop was a hit and I love everyone's feedback, which reminds me to task away with an official form for feedback! There is some talent I have there, suppose I ought to use it!

BSU is on board for graduation on Saturday May 15th, what can I say. The end of a journey almost 7 years this time around. I will be happy to explore what my life could be like without any intensive studying or training going on. That will give me reason to celebrate.

Quickie blog for ya, i hope everyone finds their joy and abundance this month!
Have a namaste!

So much, so much, so much happens in a week, a day, a moment. I continue to look for those moments of change as I keep holding the focus of how I want my life to be. Boy does the universe like to psych me out sometimes, sheesh!

Good news on the raw food front, got a workshop coming up Feb 27th and a better direction for my business. Another celebration is the YES commitment from a prominent restauranteur. His quick "Yes" to be a part of my team surprised me, the quickness not the yes. Thank you universe!

As of now my raw food business focus (post graduation) will be a portable certified packaging kitchen. Can you see where this is going? Packaged goodies and event concessions. Oh baby. 
I am looking for  two things now 1.) a trailer that can be converted and installed with solar wiring with panels on top and a grey water system.  2.) an energy efficient vehicle to haul our happy trailer!  Anyone got leads on something to point me in this direction please speak up.

So exciting, isn't it. 

And tomorrow, Sunday. We are building a small sweat lodge at my mom's place. The announcement of this building brought another friend forward who has a lonely lodge looking for a facilitator. Looks as if we can get back into the swing of our monthly community lodges. WooHoot!

See, moments of life, shift and change. The rest of my life seems to be flowing quite well now, so I think it is time to work on more flirting. ;o}


I have some time before I am off on my commute to Boise for work and school and wondering how best to spend it. Homework? Nah.  Making Raw food wraps? Nah, already have other wraps in fridge. Oh I know! How's about this here blog? Why, yes indeed. This is a brilliant idea.

Within the past month I began chiropractic treatment. Stumbled upon a wonderful wellness minded chiro who is part of the Maximized Living movement, AND they support raw food for maximum nutrition, so up my alley, aye? My Doc's name is Jake Erickson and before he begins treatment he takes an x-ray of your spine, then discusses with you what he discovered. 

Being an Iyengar-style yoga instructor and a warrior for wellness anyway I was uber-curious as to what story my x-ray would tell. What a surprise! The car wreck in 2005 did leave a visible shift in my spine and my neck is straight, que horror! Yes, of course, treatment begins.  

Now just barely a month into this treatment I am discovering interesting detoxing going on. For example, my body is releasing the car accident. I had a huge bruise show up on the inside of my left knee and although not painful weird how it got there, it puzzled me for awhile. The only other time I had a similar bruise was from my car wreck. My right knee is wonky due to realignment and body memory releasing. Ca-razy. It wasn't until yesterday that I connected my car wreck with my wonky body, wow! Huge awareness this is and fortunately I can tap into various sources and work more deeply with releasing this energy from my experience. yippee!

Oh and as far as my neck goes, apparently I have not been doing my headstands in the correct spot which would support the natural curve of our necks. More on this later. 

So the story continues. I recognize that the good Dr. Jake is helping me live a quality life longer than if I had not met him, Thank you Dr. Jake. I also acknowledge that regardless of where we are on our paths, no matter how much spiritual training, body training one has, we can be open to more joy, more love, more peace, and more ENTHUSIASM. I am grateful that I remain teachable and can pay attention to spirit's voice in my life. Woop woop, ah-dee ah -dee woop! 

Have a blessed day!